Internet Game Contest Terms and conditions (“T&C”)

Internet Game Contest Terms and conditions (“T&C”)

Internet Game Contest

Terms and conditions (“T&C”)


The Ligue de Football Professionnel – LFP (hereinafter the “Organiser”) a French association, located 6 rue Léo Delibes 75116 Paris, organizes games and competitions on the Internet (together the “Games” and individually a “Game”). The Games are scheduled to run from Friday April 5th to Friday April 12th and will take place on LFP Instagram account.

Each Game is a free contest with prizes with no purchase necessary, according to the terms and conditions described below.

The Game(s) will be accessible from Ligue 1 Instagram account and accessible on mobile phones. This operation is neither organized nor sponsored by Instagram

The personal data collected are collected by the Organiser and are not intended for Instagram.


Participation to the Game is open to emancipated adults and minors. However, minors over the age of 13 can participate if they obtain the authorisation of their legal representatives. The Organiser may ask any minor participant to justify this authorisation and, if necessary, disqualify a participant who cannot prove such authorisation.

This Game is open to any person with Internet access and a valid Instagram account, with the exception of the Organiser’s employees and their families, as well as of all persons who have participated in the development of the Game. The Game is limited to one participation by person for the entire duration of the Game.

The Organiser has the right to cancel the participations of anyone who has registered more than one time under different identities and/or accounts or by providing incorrect information.

The participant authorizes all verifications concerning his identities, e-mail address and telephone number. In this respect, the Organiser has the right to request a copy of the documents attesting to these elements from the participant.

It is strictly forbidden, to modify or attempt to modify the proposed Game devices, particularly in order to modify the results or to influence by any automated or unfair means the validity of the draw or the designation of the winner. If it appears that a Participant has been drawn or has apparently won a prize, by fraudulent means, such as an automated search or the use of an algorithm, or by any other means than those resulting from the process described by the Organiser via these T&C, the prize will not be attributed to the Participant and will remain the property of the Organiser, without prejudice to the Organiser’s rights and/or remedies against the Participant.

The Game is governed by French law.

The Game is accessible through the whole World.

The Organiser has the right to draw another winner if the initial winner is disqualified due to non-respect of these T&C.

Please read these T&C carefully. By participating to the Game(s) you agree to be bound by these T&C.


This Game takes place exclusively on the Internet on the dates indicated in Article 1 and is accessible from Ligue 1 Uber Eats Instagram account. The Game is also accessible on mobile phones. [In order to participate to the Game, you must Like the post, tag a friend and share the post on your story.

Win a Minamino Signed shirt! The contest will run for a week on Ligue 1 Uber Eats Instagram account.


A winner(s) drawn will be made using a random designation algorithm within 7 days following the end of the Game.

Each winner will receive an email, at the email address provided in the participation form, within 7 days following the draw, confirming the nature of the prize won and the conditions to benefit from it. A lack of response of a winner within 7 days from the notification of the prize will be considered as a renunciation to the prize, and the prize will be distributed to a new winner.

Participants in the Game authorize the Organiser to publish their name/account identifier as part of their participation to the Game, for use as follows:

– Publication in promotional documents distributed for the Organiser’s activity; and

– Any publication in the media, digital platforms and social media, as part of the promotion of the results of the Game.

Participants recognize that the possible uses of their name cannot affect their privacy and, more generally, the rights of any third parties.

ARTICLE 5 – Prizes

Each game will have several prizes, awarded chronologically to the valid participant(s) drawn and declared winner(s).

The nature of the prizes varies according to the game concerned. The value of the prize varies between twenty-five (25) and five hundred (500) euros. Only one prize is awarded for each winner and for each Game.

Example of Prizes that can be won (non-exhaustive list)

– Football tickets 

– Video games 

– Football jerseys / scarves 

– Balls 

– TV broadcasters’ membership 

The Organiser has the right to replace any prize with a prize of equivalent value, in particular if the initial prize is no longer available.

The prizes cannot be exchanged for their cash value or for any other prize. The Organiser will not be responsible for the use or non-use, or even trading, of the prizes by the winners. In case of force majeure, the Organiser has the right to replace the prize won by a prize of equivalent nature and value.


Participants authorise verification of their identity and of all information on the participation form. Where participation requires to complete a form and the form is not completed in full and/or contains incomplete or false contact information, then the participation shall not be taken into consideration and the participant will be out of the Game. In addition, non-respect of these rules, use of insults or disrespectful and/or inappropriate language towards the Organiser or any other participants, as well as any fraud or cheating attempt, will result in elimination of the participant.


The Organiser cannot be held liable in case of force majeure or events beyond its control if it were obliged to cancel this Game. Furthermore, the Organiser has the right to extend or limit the period of participation, to report it or modify the conditions of participation, and cannot be held liable in this respect.      

Additions and amendments to these rules may be published during the Game. They will be considered as an integral part of these T&C.


If they are declared winners, it is expressly agreed that participants of the Game authorise the Organiser to use, for communication, promotional and/or advertising purposes, their first and last names and/or account identifier, as well as their city of residence, without conferring on them any remuneration, right or other advantage other than the awarding of their prize.


The Game Organiser shall not be liable in any way if, including in the event of force majeure or events beyond its control or justified necessity, it is forced to cancel the Game, reduce its duration, extend it, report it or modify its T&C. The Organiser cannot be held liable in this respect. In particular, the Organiser, its service providers and/or subcontractors decline all liability in the case that access to the websites, digital platforms and/or social networks is unavailable during the duration of the Game, or in the case of malfunctions for which it is not responsible, or in the case that the information provided by participants are destroyed for a reason for which it is not responsible.

Participation to the Game implies knowledge and acceptance of the characteristics and limits of the Internet, the lack of protection of some data against possible misappropriation or hacking and risks of contamination by possible network viruses. The Organiser declines all direct or indirect liability in the case of incorrect use or incidents related to the use of the computer, access to the Internet, maintenance or malfunction of the Game servers or any other technical connection, or the sending of forms to an incorrect or incomplete address.  It is the responsibility of each participant to take all appropriate measures to protect their own data and/or software stored on their computer equipment against any attack. The connection of any person to the websites or via social media and the participation of persons in the Game is under their own responsibility.

The Organiser shall not be held liable for the fraudulent use of a participant’s connection or the attribution of prizes, unless it can be demonstrated that the Organiser is responsible for gross negligence. The Organiser has the right to disqualify any participant who interferes with the registration process for the Game and to cancel, reduce, modify, report, extend or suspend the Game, in the case that the computer servers of the Game show malfunctions resulting from bugs, alteration, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical anomalies or any other cause due to the fact of this participant and which would affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity or correct functioning of the Game. The Organiser will use its best efforts to provide access to the Game. The Organiser may, at any time, in particular for technical reasons, updates or maintenance, interrupt access to the sites or digital platforms and to the Game. The Organiser will not be liable in any way for these interruptions and their consequences. No compensation may be claimed in this respect. Participants are informed that when they access to the Game, a cookie may be stored on their computer. It is a small computer file that allows to record their navigation on the website of the Game. Cookies are used to identify each participant in order to allow him/her to access to the information more quickly. In any case, they cannot damage the data in his computer. A Participant may refuse the storage of this cookie, or choose to be notified of the storage of this cookie on his computer, by configuring his browser software (the Participant is invited to refer to the terms of use of his browser regarding this functionality). Once this setting is made, the Participant will still be able to access and participate in the Game.

Moreover, the Organiser cannot be held liable in any way in the case of delivery problems or loss of postal or electronic mail (in particular for the delivery of the prizes).  Any prize sent by the Organiser to a winner which is unclaimed or returned for any other reason by postal services will be lost for the winner and will remain the property of the Organiser.

In general, the Organiser cannot be held liable for the malfunctioning of the Internet network, nor for any delay, loss or damage resulting from postal and management services.

The images used on the applications or digital platforms / social networks, the objects represented, the trademarks and trade names mentioned, the graphic elements, computer and databases composing them, are the exclusive property of their respective owners and may not be extracted, reproduced or used without the written permission of the latter, risking civil and / or criminal prosecution.

Any similarity of characters or elements of the Game with other fictitious characters or other elements already existing, would be simply a coincidence and could not lead to the liability of the Organiser or its providers working for the Organiser.

More generally, the participant shall refrain from publishing content of an obscene or violent or dangerous nature or that is racist or discriminatory or contrary to public order or likely to harm the development of minors or to undermine the dignity of persons, or to praise crimes against humanity.

The participant accepts full responsibility for the content that he publishes in connection with this Game, and agrees to protect the Organiser against any legal action related to the content that he posted.


The images used for the Game, the objects represented, the trademarks, brnds and trade names mentioned, the graphic and computer elements and the databases composing the Game site are the exclusive property of their respective owners and may not be reproduced or used without the written authorisation of the latter.


The LFP, as the controller, processes the personal data of the participants to manage their participation to the Game and the draw of the winner(s).

If the Participant has also indicated that he/she wishes to receive commercial offers from the LFP and its partners, the LFP, in its capacity as data controller, processes personal data in order to manage its loyalty programme.

The data collected during participation to the Game and/or the request to receive commercial offers are essential for this processing and are intended for the relevant departments of LFP, and to its subcontractors or service providers.

The collected data are saved:

– until the date of the draw, for the Participants who did not win a prize, and until the date of the awarding of the prize, for each of the winners; these Participants have not indicated that they wish to receive commercial offers.

– for a maximum of 3 years from the last active contact with the LFP.

The LFP and its partners agree under these rules to respect the legal provisions applicable to protection of personal data and in particular the law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978, called “informatique et libertés” amended, and the European Parliament and Council regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016.

According to the legislation, any Participant has a right of access, rectification or deletion, a right to limit the processing of its data, a right of opposition, a right to the portability of its data as well as the right to define instructions concerning the treatment of its data after its death, which can be exercised by e-mail to the DPO of the LFP at, or by post to the attention of the LFP DPO, at the following address: 6 rue Léo Delibes, 75116 Paris (France), with a copy of an identity document.

Finally, the Participant has the right to make a claim to a control authority.


Any possible dispute concerning the interpretation of the rules will be resolved by the Organiser.

Participation to this Game implies unreserved acceptance of (i) these rules in all their stipulations, (ii) the ethical rules applicable on the Internet (netiquette, charter of good conduct, etc…) as well as (iii) the laws and regulations applicable on the French territory and in particular the provisions applicable to games and lotteries.

There will be no response to any telephone or written request concerning the interpretation or application of these rules, the mechanisms or terms of the Game or the list of winners. In the event of a dispute, the only acceptable way to resolve it is by sending a letter with acknowledgement of receipt within a maximum of 30 days after the end of the Game.

Except in the case of obvious errors, it is agreed that the information resulting from the Organiser’s Game systems has evidential force in any dispute.

Participants are subject to French law.

The participant will attempt to amicably resolve any disputes related to the interpretation, execution, breach or consequences of a breach of the T&C. If a compromise cannot be reached, any dispute which resulting from the validity, interpretation, execution and/or expiration of the Contract, will be subject to the competent jurisdictions of the French Court of Appeal (“Cour d’appel de Paris”).




Source From: Ligue 1 – RSS Feed

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